for this 75 min Jivamukti Open level class, the asana is oriented around inverting and backbending and then we put it all together with scorpion (Vrschikasana). You will need some wall space for the second half of class and a sense of adventure.
the dharma of this class is inspired by Simon Haas’ imagery around being in the here and now, and we chant a traditional mantra to the guru.
Read MoreThis is a dynamic Jivamukti Open level class, the asana is oriented around hip opening, we do a lot of prep for padmasana (lotus) and we bring in some balance with lift to the tip-toes, Ardha Baddha Padma Padangusthasana!
Read MoreThis is a dynamic Jivamukti Open level class, the asana is oriented around hip opening, kurmasana is the peak posture. We explore the teachings of the Demi-Goddess Saraswati Devi, and our very lives as Political action.
Read MoreThis strong and well rounded Jivamukti Yoga practice gives some extra attention to opening the hips, an area relating to karmic ties with past lovers, business/creative partners, those we were very close to. We explore the ideas of softening to the challenges of life, rather than turning the other way.
Read MoreThis class draws inspiration from a past Jivamukti Focus of the Month essay written by David Life. Physically the emphasis is deep in back bending, with the peak posture bringing us in to a variation of eka pada rajokapatasana on the wall.
There are many intermediary steps along the way in this dynamic flowing practice. Make sure you have some wall space available.
Read Morea well rounded 75 min class with a focus on backbends (aka heart openers), eka pada rajokapatasana is the peak pose. the class is an invitation, regardless of the demands of the practice (or of life) to return to the sweet spot inside, to let the challenges soften us, to encourage us to grow!
Read MoreThis class builds heat with some balancing postures at the beginning and then ends up cooling down with a deep pranayama practice to slide us in to savasana and meditation. Appropriate for all levels, share the link and practie with a friend.
Read MoreIn order to have change in the world around us, we have to inspire change within us. The world outside of us is a manifestation of the world within us. This class has an emphasis on refining shapes which we are accustomed to, allowing a slight shift in perspective to bring a new world view.
Read Morewith all the demands of life, sometimes an hour is all that is needed for a full and complete, well rounded jivamukti yoga experience. this class gives special focus to alignment, not only of our physical bodies, but of our thoughts words and actions as well.
Read More90 minutes of bliss, deep relaxation, awakening the innerworkings of energy and fascia with beautiful music and poetry. Offered on the summer solstice, as we acknowledge the light of consciousness within ourselves, as well as harness the full power of the sun in its highest position.
Read MoreWell rounded, firey (like the sun) Jivamukti Open class!
We explore some ancient techniques offered in Hatha Yoga Pradipika and get ready for the summer to unfold. The word solstice comes from the Latin roots sol, meaning sun, and stitium, meaning to stop or be still. With unassuming clarity, these etymological elements describe the precise moment of a solstice when our radiant solar star appears to pause in the sky as its trajectory undergoes a perceived directional shift. This cosmic pause welcomes our attention as we prepare to enter the next cycle of our planet’s breathwave.
Studies have shown that 1 hour of yoga nidra equates to 4 hours of deep sleep! So in times of anxiety and difficulty unwinding i’m so delighted to offer a yoga nidra session that will help you sleep like a baby.
Yoga Nidra is a state of complete bodily relaxation, in which the mind rests in a suspended state awake, yet calm, and free of all distraction. The body, senses and material mind are magnetized.
Read Morethis class begins with some grounding breath, and then for the asana we move through the backbending class as developed by Sharon Gannon and David Life in their classic “class 7, backbending” with just a few modifications. kapotasana is the peak pose, enjoy!
Read Morewith all the demands of life, sometimes an hour is all that is needed for a full and complete, well rounded jivamukti yoga experience.
i hope you will enjoy your practice, and please share the link with anyone you feel may benefit.
Read Moresometimes we must turn inward in order to truly show up for others. this class is a refreshing dynamic flow, with a hypnotic soundtrack. we move deep in to shoulders and hips, kurmasana is the peak posture. a block will be helpful.
this class will soothe the heart of any compassionate freedom seeker.
physically we focus on balancing postures, winding around the many ways of perceiving the world around us. we practice varying forms of garudasana (eagle) and bakasana (crane) and sometimes even mix the two together to get a birds eye view.
90 minutes of bliss, deep relaxation, awakening the innerworkings of energy and fascia with beautiful music and poetry. Offered during a time of political un-rest, so we can rejuvinate, replenish, and pick up our practice as spiritual warriors, clear, sharp and ready to fight for the freedom of all living beings tomorrow.
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