Posts tagged activisim
emotional intelligence: Jivamukti Open 75 min

we start this expansive practice with some EFT tapping technique, to release physical pain and emotional distress, and continue in to a side bending oriented class that will get you feeling inspired and free.

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light of knowledge: 75 min Jivamukti Open

This is a dynamic flowing Jivamukti Open level class, the asana is oriented around backbending the inversions vrschikasana (scorpion) is the peak posture. we explore the role of the teacher, and situations of our life as teachings, through shining light on even the darkest corners of our hearts and minds.

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the field of now: 75 min Jivamukti Open

for this 75 min Jivamukti Open level class, the asana is oriented around inverting and backbending and then we put it all together with scorpion (Vrschikasana). You will need some wall space for the second half of class and a sense of adventure.

the dharma of this class is inspired by Simon Haas’ imagery around being in the here and now, and we chant a traditional mantra to the guru.

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the balance: 85 min Jivamukti Open

This is a dynamic Jivamukti Open level class, the asana is oriented around hip opening, we do a lot of prep for padmasana (lotus) and we bring in some balance with lift to the tip-toes, Ardha Baddha Padma Padangusthasana!

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unity: only love is real

physically we focus on arm balancing targeting all the aspects necessary to feel upside down, with a whole new world perspective, particularly today bakasana (or kakasana): core strength, hip opening, spine integration, developing a sound connection to the spiritual warriors we investigate the boundless power of compassion and the root of who we are, and all that is, only love is real.

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may all be happy, may all be free

In order to have change in the world around us, we have to inspire change within us. The world outside of us is a manifestation of the world within us. This class has an emphasis on inversions, shapes which bring a new world view. We also dedicate extra time to mudra and pranayama to bring ease during these tumultuous times.

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This is a strengthening class, with variations of ardha chandra chapasana. If you’ve ever thrown a pebble on a pond it sends out these waves. As soon as they hit the border of the pond they start to come back to the original spot. So every action we’ve done in this life and past lives are inside this body. The results are the restrictions, the tightness, the closed mind. Let’s get free!

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think critically, speak sweetly

This Jivamukti Open level class highlights TWISTING, and we get deep in to it, twists stimulate Manipura Chakra.

Thankfulness is a soil in which pride does not easily grow.

We investigate the project of seeing whomever you speak to as a holy being. Do not see anyone as mean, stupid, or compassionless or as a person who needs you to enlighten them. If you can’t see people you speak to as compassionate, how can you ever expect them to see themselves that way?

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true nourishment

showing up for yourself means you are there for the pain as much as the joy, it means you validate your experience but don't over identify, it means you know you are innately worthy of being seen, heard and free. let us become our own true friend, so we can move from that place in our dealings with others. tune in for a deeply nourishing and well rounded jivamukti yoga class.

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equal vision

Taste, and test the experience of the dog, lizard, mountain, crow, firefly (the peak pose) in this dynamic Jivamukti class, exploring how we as a species will be able to spiritually evolve and survive.

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