Posts tagged restoratice
Yoga Nidra: Deep Rest, the Golden Door

Yoga Nidra is a state of complete bodily relaxation, in which the mind rests in a suspended state awake, yet calm, and free of all distraction. The body, senses and material mind are magnetized.

-Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati

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Liberation Yin

a deep and heart centered yin yoga practice in celebration of independence, grab some pillows and lounge around as we open to our inner yin core.

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Yoga Nidra: Deep Rest

Studies have shown that 1 hour of yoga nidra equates to 4 hours of deep sleep! So in times of anxiety and difficulty unwinding i’m so delighted to offer a yoga nidra session that will help you sleep like a baby.

Yoga Nidra is a state of complete bodily relaxation, in which the mind rests in a suspended state awake, yet calm, and free of all distraction. The body, senses and material mind are magnetized.

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Yin Yoga: diving deep

The practice of yin yoga is a wonderful tool to embrace our softer, intuitive side. It helps to strengthen our intuition, which leads to more courage to follow our heart and live our dreams. You can learn to make choices by observing more clearly, by accepting and embracing change.

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Yoga Nidra: Deep Rest

Yoga Nidra is a state of complete bodily relaxation, in which the mind rests in a suspended state awake, yet calm, and free of all distraction. The body, senses and material mind are magnetized.

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