Posts tagged politicalaction
revolution of Artful Living: 75 min Jivamukti Open

This is a dynamic Jivamukti Open level class, the asana is oriented around hip opening, kurmasana is the peak posture. We explore the teachings of the Demi-Goddess Saraswati Devi, and our very lives as Political action.

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unity: only love is real

physically we focus on arm balancing targeting all the aspects necessary to feel upside down, with a whole new world perspective, particularly today bakasana (or kakasana): core strength, hip opening, spine integration, developing a sound connection to the spiritual warriors we investigate the boundless power of compassion and the root of who we are, and all that is, only love is real.

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unshakable faith

the greatness of a person can be measured by how that person tolerates provoking situations. during a unprecedented time of quarantine, this Jivamukti Open level class builds up to mayurasana and strong backbending. class was offered on a day celebrating Nrsimha a benevolent Avatar of Vishnu, his encounter with young Prahlada inspires us to have a mood of gratitude, humility, compassion and love.

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equal vision

Taste, and test the experience of the dog, lizard, mountain, crow, firefly (the peak pose) in this dynamic Jivamukti class, exploring how we as a species will be able to spiritually evolve and survive.

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greatest wealth

in this class we chant to Saraswati, she is the goddess of music and creative thought, to find creative solutions to challenges which arise, physically we explore hip opening and have awareness of the body politic.

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