Posts tagged corona yoga
core connection: Jivamukti Open 90 min

as the California Bay Area goes BACK on to a "safe at home" mandate, we get REALLY sweaty in this class that focuses on core connection, ie, we do a lot of core work!

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compassion in a time of crisis

sometimes we must turn inward in order to truly show up for others. this class is a refreshing dynamic flow, with a hypnotic soundtrack. we move deep in to shoulders and hips, kurmasana is the peak posture. a block will be helpful.

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think critically, speak sweetly

This Jivamukti Open level class highlights TWISTING, and we get deep in to it, twists stimulate Manipura Chakra.

Thankfulness is a soil in which pride does not easily grow.

We investigate the project of seeing whomever you speak to as a holy being. Do not see anyone as mean, stupid, or compassionless or as a person who needs you to enlighten them. If you can’t see people you speak to as compassionate, how can you ever expect them to see themselves that way?

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Divine Mother (Mother's Day Flow)

This Open Level Jivamukti class in honor of Mother’s Day focuses on Standing Balancing Asanas, and Backbending. We are developing a steady, joyfilled connection to the divine mother based in humility and gratitude. Negative view of our bodies is a negative world view, is an negative mother view., this is a full on vinyasa, working hard physically to polish the mirror of Self-perception to recognized the blessed covering.

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unshakable faith

the greatness of a person can be measured by how that person tolerates provoking situations. during a unprecedented time of quarantine, this Jivamukti Open level class builds up to mayurasana and strong backbending. class was offered on a day celebrating Nrsimha a benevolent Avatar of Vishnu, his encounter with young Prahlada inspires us to have a mood of gratitude, humility, compassion and love.

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true nourishment

showing up for yourself means you are there for the pain as much as the joy, it means you validate your experience but don't over identify, it means you know you are innately worthy of being seen, heard and free. let us become our own true friend, so we can move from that place in our dealings with others. tune in for a deeply nourishing and well rounded jivamukti yoga class.

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beyond shelter: refuge in place

This practice goes deep to the roots of the Jivamukti Yoga method, the asana practice is robust and full, highlighting backbending, twisting. We are inspired by the Redwood trees to make it a priority to reach out to one another, in whatever way possible, to show our love and care in a deep and meaningful way..

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equal vision

Taste, and test the experience of the dog, lizard, mountain, crow, firefly (the peak pose) in this dynamic Jivamukti class, exploring how we as a species will be able to spiritually evolve and survive.

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Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior (60 min)

a totally complete robust asana practice. in a time when so much is different, it can be nice to come into something familiar, Spiritual Warrior is a fixed sequence that is always the same, because of the familiarity we have the opportunity to progress to the level of mastery if we commit to a consistent, steady, regular sadhana.

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greatest wealth

in this class we chant to Saraswati, she is the goddess of music and creative thought, to find creative solutions to challenges which arise, physically we explore hip opening and have awareness of the body politic.

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Yin Yoga

The practice of Yin Yoga invites one to a meditative state using the body. If you do not judge yourself and your body, but quietly observe it's process, and stay present and open to this surrender, you open the possibility of fully inhabiting your body and your emotions.

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live where you fear to live

Inspired by the words of Rumi this class has a fair amount of twisting and binding along with strengthening and standing balancing asanas. You may like a strap for binding, and will need a cushion block or blanket for a subtle chest opening at the beginning of the class.

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A strap (or scarf) is needed for this deep backbending class. Eka pada rajakapotasana is the peak pose. We explore how being here now does not negate careful concern for the future. Actually, to be fully present is to be meticulous with the way we show up in the world.

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