May All Be Free: 90 min Jivamukti Open

This class draws inspiration from a past Jivamukti Focus of the Month essay written by David Life. Physically the emphasis is deep in back bending, with the peak posture bringing us in to a variation of eka pada rajokapatasana on the wall.

There are many intermediary steps along the way in this dynamic flowing practice. Make sure you have some wall space available.

If our desired result is to create a world where the green ones can live as free as the yellow ones and the red ones, we need to proceed carefully—one step at a time to untangle the confusion and ignorance that underlies much of the life we share on this Earth with infinite beings, who are all holy temples of an infinite Hari. Eventually, we can come to the knowledge that “otherness” itself, is avidya –misknowing. We will become aware of the ways to sift through the important ethical decisions we make every day and be sure that we do not act unconsciously with biases wired invisibly and arbitrarily into our nervous system by each other, and the larger culture. As we make the important decisions that each of us need to make, we must pray for the grace to make the right decision, the conscious choice: to be kind and compassionate." David Life

This class was recorded from my home as a Zoom call, from CA and around the globe. I call out the whole class and partially demonstrated (it was a video call). During a time while we are mainly staying at home, let us stay connected through practice and reverence. Join along and breathe with us.


Donations are greatly appreciated to keep things going financially while external work is on hold. If you have the means donations can be made through Venmo $10 or pay what feels right to @happyfreecarly
