Posts tagged compassion
compassion in a time of crisis

sometimes we must turn inward in order to truly show up for others. this class is a refreshing dynamic flow, with a hypnotic soundtrack. we move deep in to shoulders and hips, kurmasana is the peak posture. a block will be helpful.

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Divine Mother (Mother's Day Flow)

This Open Level Jivamukti class in honor of Mother’s Day focuses on Standing Balancing Asanas, and Backbending. We are developing a steady, joyfilled connection to the divine mother based in humility and gratitude. Negative view of our bodies is a negative world view, is an negative mother view., this is a full on vinyasa, working hard physically to polish the mirror of Self-perception to recognized the blessed covering.

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unshakable faith

the greatness of a person can be measured by how that person tolerates provoking situations. during a unprecedented time of quarantine, this Jivamukti Open level class builds up to mayurasana and strong backbending. class was offered on a day celebrating Nrsimha a benevolent Avatar of Vishnu, his encounter with young Prahlada inspires us to have a mood of gratitude, humility, compassion and love.

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greatest wealth

in this class we chant to Saraswati, she is the goddess of music and creative thought, to find creative solutions to challenges which arise, physically we explore hip opening and have awareness of the body politic.

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A strap (or scarf) is needed for this deep backbending class. Eka pada rajakapotasana is the peak pose. We explore how being here now does not negate careful concern for the future. Actually, to be fully present is to be meticulous with the way we show up in the world.

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lonely hearts club

Blocks, Blanket and maybe some cushions will be helpful for this rigorous, heart rate elevating, dynamic flowing class with a focus on strengthening for arm balancing. Asana means seat or a connection to the earth material reality and all manifested forms, through this practice we can cultivate steady and joyful relationships.

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