Summer SOULstice

Well rounded, firey (like the sun) Jivamukti Open class!
We explore some ancient techniques offered in Hatha Yoga Pradipika and get ready for the summer to unfold. The word solstice comes from the Latin roots sol, meaning sun, and stitium, meaning to stop or be still. With unassuming clarity, these etymological elements describe the precise moment of a solstice when our radiant solar star appears to pause in the sky as its trajectory undergoes a perceived directional shift. This cosmic pause welcomes our attention as we prepare to enter the next cycle of our planet’s breathwave.

at the beginning of the class we chant:


bhur bhuvah svah
tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhimahi
dhiyo yo nah pracodayat


Earth Atmosphere Heavens
We meditate on the sacred light of the luminous source.
May that guide our intentions.

This class was recorded from my home as a Zoom call, from CA and around the globe. I call out the whole class and partially demonstrated (it was a video call). During a time while we are mainly staying at home, let us stay connected through practice and reverence. Join along and breathe with us.

Donations are greatly appreciated to keep things going financially while external work is on hold.

If you have the means donations can be made through Venmo $10 or pay what feels right to @happyfreecarly
