lonely hearts club
Blocks, Blanket and maybe some cushions will be helpful for this rigorous, heart rate elevating, dynamic flowing class with a focus on strengthening for arm balancing. Loneliness has shown to be as bad for our health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day and to reduce our life expectancy by up to 8 years, the practice of yoga asanas is a way to perfect our relationships, asana means seat or a connection to the earth material reality and all manifested forms, through this practice we can cultivate steady and joyful relationships.
At the beginning of the class we chant, “ The Gates of Sweet Nectar” Chants of a Lifetime by Krishna Das:
Calling out to hungry hearts
Everywhere through endless time
You who wander, you who thirst
I offer you this heart of mine (Bodhi mine)
Calling all you hungry spirits
Everywhere through endless time
Calling out to hungry hearts
All the lost and left behind
Gather round and share this meal
Your joy and your sorrow
I make it mine.
Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram
Sita Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram
This class was recorded as Zoom a call. I call out the whole class also partially demonstrated.
During a time while we are mainly staying at home, let us stay connected through practice and reverence.
Join along and breathe with us.
Donations are greatly appreciated to keep things going financially while external work is on hold.
If you have the means donations can be made through Venmo @happyfreecarly or
PayPal carlysatya@gmail.com
$10 or pay what feels right to