Yoga Nidra is a state of complete bodily relaxation, in which the mind rests in a suspended state awake, yet calm, and free of all distraction. The body, senses and material mind are magnetized.
Read Morethis class will soothe the heart of any compassionate freedom seeker.
physically we focus on balancing postures, winding around the many ways of perceiving the world around us. we practice varying forms of garudasana (eagle) and bakasana (crane) and sometimes even mix the two together to get a birds eye view.
90 minutes of bliss, deep relaxation, awakening the innerworkings of energy and fascia with beautiful music and poetry. Offered during a time of political un-rest, so we can rejuvinate, replenish, and pick up our practice as spiritual warriors, clear, sharp and ready to fight for the freedom of all living beings tomorrow.
Read MoreYoga Nidra for spiritual renewal.
Offered during a time of political un-rest, so we can rejuvinate, replenish, and pick up our practice as spiritual warriors, clear, sharp and ready to fight for the freedom of all living beings tomorrow.
Read MoreIn order to have change in the world around us, we have to inspire change within us. The world outside of us is a manifestation of the world within us. This class has an emphasis on inversions, shapes which bring a new world view. We also dedicate extra time to mudra and pranayama to bring ease during these tumultuous times.
Read More90 minutes of bliss, deep relaxation, awakening the innerworkings of energy and fascia with beautiful music and poetry.
Read MoreFor success in shavasana, you have to understand, as Shri Brahmananda suggests, “how to use fixation, suggestion and sensation, and how to use the proper pause for time.”
Read MoreThrough deep relaxation, a state of Yoga Nidra arises, which can lead to kaivalyam, or samadhi, in which the sense of individualization merges with absolute, transcendental joy. The practice of shavasana (corpse pose) can facilitate the arising of this state.
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