wake up

On the day we lost a dear teacher, mentor and member of our extended Jivamukti family, the inspiring Joan Suval, we chanted the Liberation Mantra and explored the concept of showing up for life while we are in it. A solid all around Jivamukti class with some emphasis on hip opening. “jiv jago” wake up sleeping souls.

We fell asleep in one world, and woke up in another.

Suddenly Disney is out of magic,
Paris is no longer romantic,
New York doesn’t stand up anymore,
The Chinese wall is no longer a fortress, and Mecca is empty.
Hugs & kisses suddenly become weapons,
and not visiting parents & friends becomes an act of love.

Suddenly you realize that power, beauty & money are worthless, and can't get you the oxygen you're fighting for.

The world continues its life and it is beautiful. It only puts humans in cages. I think it's sending us a message:

"You are not necessary. The air, earth, water and sky without you are fine. When you come back, remember that you are my guests. Not my masters.” -Haroon Rashid

Here is the liberation mantra:

oṁ tryambakaṁ yajāmahe 
sugandhiṁ puṣṭi-vardhanam 
urvārukam-iva bandhanān
mṛtyormukṣīya māmṛtāt

We worship the three-eyed one (Shiva) who is fragrant and who nourishes well all beings; may Shiva liberate us from death for the sake of immortality even as the cucumber is severed from its bondage to the creeper.

This class was recorded from my home as a Zoom call, from CA and around the globe. I call out the whole class and partially demonstrated (it was a video call). During a time while we are mainly staying at home, let us stay connected through practice and reverence. Join along and breathe with us.
Donations are greatly appreciated to keep things going financially while external work is on hold.

If you have the means donations can be made through Venmo $10 or pay what feels right to @happyfreecarly
