our choice: rose colored glasses

this is a more gentle Jivamukti Open class, well rounded.

we have the power to choose whether to focus on people's virtues or their faults, to fill ourselves and them with positive or negative energy. how we perceive and interact with people is always our choice. 

at the beginning of the practice we chant:

vastu-sāmye citta-bhedāt tayor vibhaktaḥ panthāḥ

Each individual person perceives the same object in a different way, according to their own state of mind and projections. Everything is empty from its own side and appears according to how you see it. (PYS 4.15)

This class was recorded from my home as a Zoom call, from CA and around the globe. I call out the whole class and partially demonstrated (it was a video call). During a time while we are mainly staying at home, let us stay connected through practice and reverence. Join along and breathe with us.

Donations are greatly appreciated to keep things going financially while external work is on hold.

If you have the means donations can be made through Venmo $10 or pay what feels right to @happyfreecarly

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